
Karen Winter 
Breath Work Facilitator 
Founder: Re-creating Families

As an author, speaker and EFT practitioner, Karen's intention is to help individuals heal from emotional pain and move into their highest vision of themselves.

Karen, through EFT, is able to help people release negative emotional blocks, fears and phobias as well as physical pain. By removing these negative emotions on an energetic level, we can then move forward with our lives with conscious creation.

Karen Winter is a relationship facilitator helping individuals and families create peaceful, fulfilling relationships. She teaches concrete tools and techniques you can take back into your relationships instantly altering the dynamics into positive creation. She is the most sought after messenger for men and women who go through emotional transition and/or divorce seeking to heal.

Karen is the author of, What Would Love Do Now? Which has been adopted by therapists and spiritual practitioners as the way to†heal from separation and learn the deeper meaning of relationships. Her written words and style of teaching aid others inhealing and gaining insight needed to become empowered to re-create their lives. You come to realize that everything is possible!

Karen's goal is to help individuals realize the power of their thoughts and how they are connected to our energy and to direct them in the highest form possible, which is compassion, forgiveness and love.

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