About Breath Work

Breath work is a self empowering healing process that creates great transformation in our lives. The three levels of breathing allow us to breathe better, feel more energy, feel more peaceful and loving and attain higher levels of consciousness. When we breathe in a deeper pattern and rhythm the brain begins to calm and quiet itself and the incessant chatter is no longer in charge. We begin to have a more soul aligned experience of consciousness and we can see our life patterns of thought and behavior more clearly without the heaviness of judgment and fear. We are able to process and move forward in healing and creating change in our lives with this level of awareness. Often the guidance that is here for goes unnoticed as we cannot hear it; we are not aware it even exists. However with breath work we become more aware of Self, how and what we are creating and with this greater awareness comes healing and the ability to transform.

When you breathe you feel lighter and clearer as you are immersed in the higher vibrational energy that the breath brings. After breath work you feel peaceful, calm and yet completely awake and aware. There is the lightness of being that can be absent in our every day lives. Breath work allows our bodies to heal from the traumas we have lived physically and emotionally releasing toxins and old negative emotions on a cellular level. Aches and pains melt away with breath work as the emotions supporting them are processed and allowed to leave the body completely. Emotional wounds from the past are processed and as the mind calms in breath work we experience a more heightened state of consciousness allowing us to receive more guidance on and about our journeys.

The power of breath is unrivaled in its importance in supporting life, health and well being. Most of the time, we are holding our breath or shallow breathing due to the stress in our modern world therefore never oxygenating our bodies at the rate that is needed to support health in mind, body and soul. Studies have proven that without deeper rhythmic breathing our cells begin to die.

We know consciously that we cannot live without breath and yet we spend most of our days shallow breathing or holding our breath altogether then suddenly taking a deep breath because we are in such need! We tend to focus little in the west on the simple things we can do to promote health, peace and well being. The most important tool we can utilize is the breath as it calms the mind instantly which can cause the stress and create chaos in the body. The breath heals the body in ridding toxins and oxygenating every cell to energize and revitalize physical health.

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